Monday, January 23, 2006

Never What You Think It's Going To Be...

So they predict a minor weather event and it ends up being a travel nightmare which results in the early closing of school! I commute roughly 40 minutes to work each way and it's always amazing to me how the "plow ethics" vary from community to community. In one town, you can virtually hear the Public Works Elves saying, "C'mon, Chester! Let's get out there and make the roads safer for our fellow travelers!" In another you sense only the subtle rustlings of Playboy Magazines and Lucky Strike wrappers while the Plow Boys silently agree that they should wait until a more significant amount builds up...say two or three feet. One trip out seems to make more sense, right?

Anyway, I was out the door in the hopes that I might make it home at a reasonable hour and get some knitting time in. Not so. The driving was slow going until I got a bit further north and I needed to make a run to the doctor's office to beg a refill on my meds since I'd forgotten to take care of that back when I had the time to deal with this. It's really not pretty when I don't have them...seriously. Can you say, "scattered?" By the time all that was said and done, I really didn't make it home until 3:30 or so.

I then planned to skip the old work-out, given that I only participate in this abusive ritual on days designated as "normal." (this means a day that I get up, go to work, stay there for a pre-arranged amount of time, then go home.) An Early Release day at school does not qualify as normal. Freebie!!! Little gifts to myself like this have actually kept me on the straight and narrow for the better part of a year and a half now. Don't ask me just works. At any rate, the guilt got the better of me and I ended up just giving in and doing it.

So my regular commute ended up being far more complicated than predicted, my half-day of freedom wasn't really anywhere near that and I still got stuck pedaling my way to nowhere for 45 minutes. Just goes to show ya! :)

I'm still feeling much better about my life this week. The payroll checks have been deposited, the kids were bearable for the 4 short hours we spent together today and I will remain medicated. All is right with the world. And, to top it all off, Knit Annie approved of my wild and crazy endeavors this weekend. That's a load off! I was really quite stunned to see how low I'd sunk on the old "excitement" scale. I remember when...

And now, for your viewing pleasure:

Son of Skinny Scarf: Now a WIP, Soon to be an FO!

Bobbins, meet your new baby brothers: Bobbin and Bobbin.

That's it for The Sheep! Enjoy the day!



mrichme said...

CamMad is very glad to hear that you made it home safe. Our ride home (no early release) was actually not bad. Taking the main roads helped. I realize that there are not that many main road on your route. I do agree about the "plow ethics". It is amazing how 2 miles of road can make a difference.

Glad to hear the home life is returning to "normal". Maybe tonight you may be introduced to Poncho Villa by camadsmom. Oh the tease is set!

Sheepish Annie said...

It looks like NH got hit worse than ME. Since I am, for all intents and purposes working in NH in all but the income tax world, I guess I had to deal with the weather in that state!


mrichme said...

She fell asleep and I'm not going to steal the thunder.