Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Non-Joiners Progress

Gosh, I wish I was more of a team player. The rest of my kind may flock, but this Sheep has always been more comfortable going her own way. I never did particularly well in gym class...I just couldn't seem to care that others needed my "all" in order to attain group peak performance. When it came time to apply for colleges, I needed to quickly align myself with a variety of clubs and charitable endeavors in order to have something to put on my application besides "watched alot of cartoons over the last few years." I learned to knit from Mom and Grammy, forgot then re-taught myself. When I wanted to learn how to spin, I went online and bought some books. No night classes, no groups...just me.

I fully support the "Stitch 'N Bitch" cause as I believe that the title was so totally NOT coined by the good folks at Sew Easy... And the Knitting Olympics? Love the concept. I support my sisters and brothers in the craft. And I marvel at what you are accomplishing.

But, alas, I am simply not a joiner. Competition and pressure to perform just give me the hives. I prefer to fail in private. Only I know how to comfort myself after a project goes south. And I can lie in my'll never know. I could just say that a Yeti broke into my home and stole my WIP before I could post the pictures and that my camera was exposed to high levels of radiation. You'd believe me, right?

Nevertheless, The Sheep does have some progress to report of a positive nature. My plain old boring, straight-up sox have come along nicely:

Toldja these'd work up fast!!!
No great inspiration here. My feet were cold last weekend and I had a couple of skeins of Sirdar Snuggly lying about after the great yarn grab last month just before the closing of my favorite LYS. The hope is that I can finish this one then start the second over the weekend. As is my wont, I'm sure that the second of the pair will just go horribly awry for some reason, but I'd like to keep optimistic. That just leaves one question, "Will The Sheep return to the dreaded SOS sweater during the upcoming vacation?"
Yes, she's still clinging to the needles, that dreaded project 'o mine. Every superhero must have her nemesis and this sweater is mine. The jury is still out, but there is a very good chance The Sheep, caught up in the madness of the ongoing Knitting Olympic challenge will pull that orange nightmare from the bottom of the basket and give it another go.
Nope, still not a joiner. But I suppose it's fair to say that the fever is catching...can I take sick time for that?


mrichme said...


Those close to you appreciate the fact that you're a non-joiner. Your perspective helps keep those of us who are joiners in harmony.

knitannie said...

Cool socks, it looks like they'll be warm. I have never knitted socks but there is SO MUCH talk of them in blogland it's starting to make me curious. To be honest I don't really see the point but then you could say that about most hand knitted items right?

missemilysmom said...

I love the fact that you are non-joiner yet you are supportive of me the joiner!!

Also, nice foot picture!! Love the Sock!!!