Monday, October 06, 2008

Not A Fan Of The Man With The Gadget

I arrived this morning at school to find the thermometer in the second of our two teaching spaces barely hitting 57 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.  This did little to make my arrival at work anything along the lines of joyful.  Monday is not the best of days on any given week unless it is a holiday and this, obviously, was not one of those.  

And it was 57 degrees Fahrenheit.  Inside.

As we had little choice in the matter, my staff and I forged ahead hoping that some very vigorous teaching might keep us from just slipping away into the cold, welcoming arms of severe hypothermia.  For the record, there is no amount of vigorous teaching that will actually warm a body up to the point where you can forget about the fact that it is 57 degrees Fahrenheit.

Shortly before lunch, we were visited by The Man With The Gadget.  It seems that my pleas for warmth were heard by our well-intention principal and that he'd sent the head custodian in to do a temperature check.  He wandered around looking for all the world like a somewhat husky and jumpsuit clad member of the Starship Enterprise.  He moved from room to room with his handheld Super Impressive Temperature Taker Thingie, scanning the air in search of good temperature readings.  He muttered all sorts of things that sounded quite technical.  We hoped for the best.  We prayed that he might get a reading which might convince the Other Guy Who Runs The Gadget Which Turns On The Heat that it was time to push that button.

But we knew better...

By then, you see, the sun was out.  It had been happily baking the windows and there was no way on earth we were going to look like the freezing individuals that we really were.  Even if the bright, glowing orb in the sky had managed to get the temperature back up to a rousing 65 degrees, we still hadn't managed to warm up after a morning spent in a meat locker.  The custodian left us with a scathing look, now muttering something about fragile females who will complain about everything and take time out of his busy day.  

I can't help but wonder if that fancy temperature-sensing gadget might have equaled the cost of a day's heat in our classroom.  An hour even...

I'm watching the forecast with great interest.  Any day that doesn't come with abundant sunshine is not going to be a pleasant one.  Until they turn on the heat in the building, we'd better have clear, sunny days.  

Meanwhile, the award for Keeping The Sheep Alive Until The Big Metal Thingies Start Pumping Out The Warm Air goes to April!  Let's all say a nice, big, "Thank You!" to she who gifted me with a pair of warm socks knit just for Sheepie.  They were the only things between me and an icy grave up until about noon today.  Bless you, April!  

I'm still knitting away on that scarf I started over the weekend.  That is intended as a gift that I might tuck away for the coming holidays and isn't going to help me much in my quest for survival.  Fortunately, I have lots and lots of nice, clean socks ready for wearing after my weekend of sock-washing.  

However if you don't hear from me, you might want to start making some phone calls.  There is no telling how long the sunny weather will last...



sheep#100 said...

If they'd just sent the guy with the nice temperature sensing gadget (we call them thermometers here) at 7 am instead of after the sun was all up and shining...


Anonymous said...

I would think the powers that be would be so grateful that you took that crappy job that they'd do whatever it took to keep you comfy and happy!

Knitting Linguist said...

This is made especially bad by the fact that you can't knit on this job -- what are they thinking?!

Anonymous said...

In a past life (or rather job), we had a similar problem. Winter temps in our cubicle farm were in the low 50s during the summer it was in the high 90s. The guy with the gadget would come to the main door, stand in the hallway and get a reading. Since the temp in the hallway and hence next to the door was "normal" we never got our heat fixed. Being a rebel I asked why he didn't come into the room? The reply was it was procedure to measure from the door. Or course it was that way nothing had to be fixed. I lived in nice hand-knit socks, fingerless mittens, sweaters, and scarfs in the building. There wasn't much you could do in summer -- there's only so many articles of clothing you're allowed by common decency to remove at work.

Anonymous said...

Only 57 degrees! I've had to work in those conditions, the furnace at work doesn't like to work when it's 20 below 0. It's impossible to get warmed up.
Layer up, it's your only chance.

Anonymous said...

I went searching the internet tubes for an atrocious - I mean lovely and warm knitted bodysuit someone had sent me once, but alas, I could not find it. Maybe I could send some nice warm CA air your way. Maybe a doughnut for The Guy That Turns on The Heat?

knitseashore said...

I think some subtle but pointed threats about zombies to the temperature dude might do the trick here...

PICAdrienne said...

My son's science teacher had the reverse issue, 85 degrees at about noon. The fortunate thing for her, is, it is a science lab, it is well equipt with thermometers, she had thermometers all over the room as evidence. When my son would go in, after lunch, it was sleepy time for everyone in the room.

You might start reminding the powers that be about a 'free and appropriate education' includes a habitable environment.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it's time to break out a few more woolens. Maybe a hat, gloves and a scarf will be necessary classroom attire. Have the kids wear theres too. Then invite the cranky custodian up with this gadget.

Mia said...

I'm thinkin' a sheep with frostbite won't be pretty.. maybe the sun won't be so sunny today and they'll turn the heat on :)

Cursing Mama said...

I've begun layering in the office too. I always find it odd that temps are kept sooo low in school, because the only good thing that comes from me when I'm cold is a nap.
The drooling & snoring is something I have to work on.

Ronni said...

Hmmm. I think you have a teachable moment here. Surely the dollar store has thermometers? One for each little angel, or possibly one per table depending on how your room is set up. Temperature readings taken at each table and from the thermostat every fifteen minutes throughout the day. A copy sent to the principal and Mr. McSnarkyPants and just possibly a tossed off comment about how the children had discussed writing it up for Science Fair - might speed the turning on of your heat. Failing that, the phone calls from the parents about how cold their poor little darlings are being made to be should do the trick.

April said...

Oh boy, an award! Uhh .. it wouldn't be in the form of an AGK, would it?
