Despite my optimistic attitude with regard to my recent low fevers and cough, I've actually been monitoring the situation pretty closely. It was just a short year ago that I was brought down by illness and I really don't want to go there again.
So when my fever took an upswing last night from what I'd call "low grade" to a rousing 101.5, I took note. This could mean something. Now, bear in mind that I was taking narcotic cough syrup at the reactions were a bit on the slow side. But I figured out pretty quickly that something might have gone seriously amiss.
And when, upon waking this morning, I felt a rather familiar pain in my right side and back, I knew that the time had come to take action. I called Dr. Judy from work and requested an antibiotic. I checked in regularly with the school nurse to make sure that the temperature was staying within a reasonable range. As the hours passed, I began to feel like every square inch of my body was being pounded by tiny hammers. By day's end, the kind nurse took a little listen to the chest and questioned whether there might be some of the googlie mooglies living in there. She and the school secretary promptly banned me from school tomorrow. There is no arguing with a school secretary, for the record. They run the school and if you don't know that then just try to convince one of them that you are able to run your classroom while hunched over your desk and shivering. You will be overruled. Harshly.
Which worked out pretty well, since I have been directed by Dr. Judy to present myself for a chest x-ray at 10:00 tomorrow morning. I'm not arguing. I have a bad feeling about this one...
We may have traveled back to the land of the Monkey Pox. If you are new to my happy little corner of the blogosphere, you may not be aware of last year's "challenging" time with the infection from heck. It was but one year ago that I was laid low by a malady that I dubbed "The Monkey Pox" because it had a more friendly sound than most other illnesses. I know that there is a real Monkey Pox and that it is not a particularly friendly disease. But I was really sick and I decided that this would be a better inscription on my tombstone and no one really had the heart to argue with me at that point. I was sort of pathetic...
Monkey Pox actually turned out to be pneumonia and a rather bad case at that. It took me the better part of the summer to really recover fully and it was October before the nice doctor who was reading my chest x-rays would pronounce me cured. I'm hoping that I've caught things quickly enough this time to avoid another round.
So, The Sheep is currently on the couch, swaddled in an afghan that she crocheted many moons ago and sipping on Mountain Dew. There is a healthy amount of narcotic cough syrup flooding my system as I type and, even though my right ear has some sort of weird blockage in it, I can now hear myself blink. The fever has recently decided to take a turn for higher destinations so I think it is safe to say that I will be adding a little Ibuprofen to the medication cocktail within the hour.
Yeah...not one of my better days. But I have good insurance coverage and the cash on hand to lay in a supply of the comfort foods for the duration. I was also gifted with a nice bag of very lovely chocolates today. They should go nicely with tonight's milkshake and wee, little cake. We are making the most of a bad situation, here. Because I am nothing if not a "Lemons Out Of Lemonade" kind of Sheep.

Happy Birthday! *toots a horn*
Happy Birthday!!! But, you're supposed to let us know about your birthday ahead of time so we can flood your mailbox with presents! I'm sorry you're having to spend your birthday feeling so poorly.
Happy Birthday, Sheepie.
PS - Number Guy says you should remember that even though this isn't one of your better birthdays, it was better than mine was this year.
Happy Birthday Sheepie.
Pneumonia is no fun. Start treating it early, lots of fluids. And do not go back to work too quickly. You will only end up sick longer. (This is experience speaking.) Chicken Soup is good too. Chocolate will help you feel a bit better too. Get better, I enjoy your blog alot.
Happy Birthday Turtle, I mean Bird, no I mean Sheep.
PS Get well soon!
Happy Birthday! I have some sort of plague from being at my son's school 3 times in one week for different events. I'm sure its not Monkey Pox.. maybe something small.. like.. Squirrel Pox.
Damn woman, I didn't know it was your birthday. I'd say Happy Birthday, but that'd just be silly since I already know it's not been the happiest of birthdays given how sick you are.
I say we need to go out for a celebratory drink once you are well enough since our birthdays are so close together. How's that for incentive to get well? (or does that make you afraid of getting well?)
p.s. I just read Daddy Sheep's comment; now I know where you get your sense of humor :)
Happy Birthday and best wishes for this new year. Monkey pox - can it be lured away with bunches of bananas?
Happy birthday--despite the cough, fever, etcetera..... (Trek DOES have a point.)
Happy Birthday! I hope you are better soon! I really enjoy your blog, although I usually lurk. You are totally right about the school secretaries.
Happy (sorry) Birthday (you're sick).
Feel Better, and stay on top of those monkey pox-ers guys, germ, thing-eys, do that.
Take care.
What a crap way to spend a birthday. Mine last year was spent with the flu and my sweetie dealing with a sick of his own in another state, so I fully empathize. Hope you mend quickly. Monkey Pox is just no fun.
It's YOUR birthday? And you're just telling us NOW? Oh my God, which way to the Post Office?!? Sheepie, if you weren't so sick, I'd be terribly cross with you right now. I MEAN IT.
hey we need a bit of notice for next year ok?
happy berfday to ewe
happy berfday to ewe
happy berfday dear sheepie
happy berfday tooooooooo eeewwwwwweee !
anyway have the best birthday that you can and take lots of the narcotic cough syrup so that it FEELS like a good one :]
sending hugz from the other side of the planet
Well, you know, there is an upside to this. A birthday that includes pharmaceuticals can't be all bad, especially if the pharms are narcotics. Geezopete, I sound like a drug dealer! LOL!
I'm so sorry you're sick. Could it be Sheep Pox? I hear that can be cured with heavy applications of yarn.
Happy Birthday anyway, and while you're recuperating, you have been TAGGED! (probably again) for the 8 Random Things Meme.
Meme at My Blog
Oh no. You got pneumonia for your birthday. Please feel better and Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday -- I am so sorry to hear you are sick today. That is the worst!!! I hope BFK and Not so BFK are keeping you company and you are doubly indulged once you feel better!!
Oh SHEEPIE! I didn't know it was yer birthday!!!!!!! Did you forget to mention something last night???? And while I know you're gonna want to be up hootin' and hollerin' all night and drinkin' double espresso's laced with Hershey's... take care of yourself girl.
Sleep, meds and lots of junk food.. sound like you've got it all figured out.
Prayers sent your way anyway.. just cuz. We like to keep our sheep healthy :)
Happy Birthday! Dang that Monkey Pox. I truly, truly hope that it is not the Monkey Pox. Good luck with Dr. Judy today and here's wishing that you recuperate quickly.
Oh no, I hope you have a speedy recovery. These cold/warm spring weather swings always seem to do a number on one's health.
Happy birthday, as well!
Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you feel better and are hoping around soon.
You should be at the dr's office right now (it's 10 your time). What a way to spend a BD. I hope you feel better soon.
Happy birthday, and I hope you recover quickly.
Happy Birthday?!?
Is there no parade - with llama's & the like? I would've knit you a pair of socks had I known!
Hope the old Xray machine give HM nothing to worry about.
Nothing like Zithromax and a cupcake to say "happy birthday"! I'm on day three of the same medicine. Good luck with the chest x-ray. Hopefully this does not mean the return of the dreaded Monkey Pox.
Pneumonia on your birthday?! It just ain't fair. Take good care of yourself and plan a great celebration for when you get better.
Happy Birthday!
Feel better soon. I wonder why you are going to work with a fever? You need to stay home and take it easy.
Happy birthday, but I wish you were celebrating with good health. Good luck at the doctor's and I hope you are better soon.
Shucks, I'm so sorry your sheepy birthday sucks so supremely. After you are feeling better you must declare a real birthday celebration for yourself. And if you wanted to send me your snail mail addy there could be some yarn in it for you :-)
Feel better soon!
I've seen your comments on Catena Expressions and when Cathy mentioned your birthday and being sick all rolled up into one, I thought I'd bop over and leave both a birthday and a get well wish.
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