I blended some more of the Super Lamb Laps with the Orchid Tussah Silk:

And then I spun it for a bit:

Once that was done, I spent some quality time screwing up the heel of a sock since I apparently have lost the ability to count. I used to be able to count. I remember learning how at Mommy Sheep's knee. I mean, I expect to forget things like my keys, my social security number and putting gas in the car. That is just part of the package that is me. I like to think that some people find these qualities rather endearing. But counting? I need to be able to count. Otherwise, I will never know if I have the right amount of eggs in a carton or if I have done enough sit-ups to round it up to 100. I should probably practice this skill later tonight. Just not on the sock.
That all doesn't really add up to much in the "finished" department. Or at least I'm pretty sure that it doesn't add up to much. Being as my math skills are currently in question, I probably shouldn't be making any huge, sweeping statistical statements at this point. At any rate, I do know that I needed to spend some time huddled under an afghan today with a big, fluffy kitty and fighting off the shivers. I seem to have picked up a spring cold and it is giving me the aches, pains and grumpies. Not good for project completion and the large doses of cold medication also seem to be a detriment to the practice of mathematical skills.
It's really not a big deal. Just a cold, after all... I'm sure it will pass quickly. Meanwhile, I'm going to indulge myself in a little of the self-pity and chocolate therapy. This is a sure-fire cure for all that ails ya!! Here's hoping that the whole thing blows over in a day or two and I can get back to picking up those heel stitches like the sock maven I know I can be.
And I can use the downtime most efficiently by counting things like sneezes, tissues used per minute and hours between medication dosings.
Seeing as I'm battling my own spring cold at the moment, I empathize completely. Unfortunately, I'm at work, so cuddling under a blanket is not an option. I think there is cocoa here, though, so maybe....
Feel better quickly, O Sheepish One!
Awwwwww, feel better soon!!
Don't fry your brain counting the sneezes etc. Just let it go. Or, if you must count, count your kitties. If you count too many, call the dr.
I think the best way to get over the cold is to call in sick. Being off for a week should about cover it. :)
Don't forget to count the ounces of Nyquil consumed!
I hope you feel better soon, Sheepie.
I think it's cute you said you'd practice your counting skills later tonight...so the sheep will be counting sheep?
*passes the sheepie my box of office stash chocolate*
Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon. Spring colds are the worst!
I hope you feel better quickly. I'm sure the chocolate will help.
Take care and make sure you dodge the monkey pox.
Achoo! Not a cold here, unfortunately, it's allergy season (which runs 12 months a year here) with the resulting sinus infection. Hiding under an afghan with a big fluffy kitty sounds like a good cure! (Here, Hi-Hi...)
I, too, am in the grip of a spring cold. I'll be thinking of you cuddled under a blanket and cat while I'm doing the same thing.
Take care and don't over-do anything, except the rest, of course!
Sheepie, I can't find your e-mail address. So please to check your SNAIL MAIL box on Wednesday. Watch out for zombies.
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