I'd given some thought to posting a picture tonight. I've been a bit weak with the snaps of late. Maybe a nice shot of the Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty in all his massive glory or pictorial proof that The Invisibility Shawl still lives and grows.
I don't have it in me. I'm too tired to take pictures. I also can't take any pictures until I vacuum the carpet. You'd be wondering why I don't plant flowers and vegetables in that barren field and not realize that this is my living room carpet. I also don't have the energy to do any landscaping tonight.
I'm just going to go with the regular Wednesday Night Bullet Post. You can use your imaginations. I think it is good for the brain to imagine stuff. It's like neural sit-ups.
*I've already mentioned The World's Neediest Classroom. That doesn't bear repeating.
*I figured out that two repeats on The Invisibility Shawl is the same as about 35 minutes on the little exercise bike. That is either a good thing to know or a bad thing.
*Sometimes it's better to not know how far you have left to go when you are pedaling a little exercise bike.
*Sometimes it's better to have a reality check.
*Little Exercise Bike Time can fool you. Five minutes can feel like five days...
*After my very long day, I came home to find that someone had been going through the kitchen cupboards.
*There was a time when I would have called the police and counted my valuables.
*Now I just shake my finger at the Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty and make disappointed sounds.
*He purrs happily throughout.
*Tomorrow we begin state mandated assessments with the 8th graders.
*Please feel free to think good thoughts for all those children with individual angst and control issues. They are going to need to act like kids without life challenges for a week.
*I can't see anything that could possibly go wrong with this plan.
*I do not even want to think about how my one 7th grader (aka The Kid Who Doesn't Have An Off Button) will deal with the need for quiet during testing.
*I'm very much in Oh, How Bad Could It Be? mode.
*At the end of the day, my staff told me that they'd been visited by a union rep and informed that layoffs and furlough days are possibly in the works.
*I am planning on chaining my teaching assistants to the radiators just in case.
*Strategic Emergency Planning.
* I spent ten minutes wrestling my pajamas away from the AGK.
*Mommy Sheep always said, "Pick up your clothes off the floor."
*She was trying to prepare me for life. I should have listened.
*A wise woman, my mom. However did she know that I would end up a middle aged woman with a cat who lives life large?
*I ended up distracting him with a pair of clean sweatpants then running away with my jammies before he realized he'd lost them.
*Once again, I am flabbergasted by the direction my life has taken...
There's the day in a nutshell. I think. I'm very tired so I might have missed some stuff. I don't smell smoke so I'm guessing that nothing caught fire in the immediate vicinity and my car looks to be in pretty good shape. I'm reasonably sure nothing big happened while I was daydreaming about retirement.
Goodbye Wednesday. Thank you for being so very interesting. I'm certain that Thursday will be boring by comparison. At least I hope this is the case. I might even find the energy to vacuum the field.