Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where's The Honor?

I was in a meeting today.  During the course of that meeting, Someone Who Is In Authority made a statement.  I can't repeat what was said verbatim given that it was one of those "confidential" kinds of meetings, but I can give you the gist of it.  In essence, He Who Has Power said that he would give half his salary if he could make a certain something happen.  He said this in front of five witnesses and with great sincerity.  Heartbreaking sincerity.  Sincerity was oozing all over the room.  I feared I'd drown in it.

Then the task of making this happen was handed to me by consensus.  Actually, I sort of jumped in and took responsibility because I was seeing that look in the eyes of my colleagues.  You know the one I mean.  The one that that indicated they were coming up with eight million other things for me to do.  I had to act...

I later confirmed with One Of The Other Authority-Types in the meeting that this task came with half an administrator's salary.  She said that she had clearly heard the statement. I noted that this extra cash would come in handy since no one has paid me yet for those Safety Procedures classes I taught.  She made a note in her little book regarding that matter, but I wasn't worried.  I was about to get a big, fat raise!!!

However, when I happened to be in the main office and mentioned to Mr. Authority that I was looking forward to my half of his salary, he did not seem to remember what he said.  In fact, he was rather grumpy about it.  You could almost say he was "dismissive."  There may have been a chuckle.  I ask you, whatever happened to honor?  I remember when an Authority Dude's word actually meant something.  

The fact that the office was full to capacity with students who, much like me, have recently realized that Spring has sprung and are celebrating its advent with great gusto might have had something to do with his lack of attention to detail.  I suppose that it could have been a bad time.  But still...

I guess I could hold out hope for the extra dollars, but I have a bad feeling about the whole thing.  I think he might have just been trying to make a point during that meeting and that he has absolutely no intention of giving me half his salary.  Can you imagine?

I suppose I should keep on sticking to the budget.  There is no way I am going to be able to hire that Personal Sock Knitter I've been dreaming of for so very long.

I'm gonna have to knit my own...

It's tough living in a world without honor.  Especially when you only have one sock to call your own.



sheep#100 said...

It's an outrage, I tell you! An utter and dishonorable outrage!

Do you need a note?

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side; you may not have half his salary, but you do have half a pair of socks. And a mighty nice looking half a pair of socks at that!

Kath said...

Last time a person in authority stated in front of me that they'd give up half of something if someone could just get that certain thing to happen..while I admit the item is one I have never owned, it certainly wasn't anything I wanted either.

yarnpiggy said...

Excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor...I am shocked and appalled.

Nice sock!

Anonymous said...

What kind of world are we living in when Those In Authority can promise the moon, or at least a substantial raise in salary, and fail to deliver? I'm not sure I have the will to carry on. I'm sure you don't.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side, you won't have to pay taxes on that extra money. Also when you have completed the task Mr Authority will be indebted to you. That is better than money really.
Lovely sock.

Anonymous said...

Next time (and you KNOW there will be a next time) before you agree to whatever task is being discussed...make said administrator sign and have signature notarized prior to agreeing...make all witnesses sign...tell him you will have your lawyer review before agreeing...

Anonymous said...

ah but you do have the upper hand. You've helped him out and he's welched on the salary. You can remind him of that until the ends of the earth or until he re-pays a favour. I guess he's going to have to learn sock knitting for you.

Alwen said...

I once had a high school girlfriend ask what I wanted for my birthday, and I said "The moon on a silver chain" and she gave it to me. It was back in the sky the next month, but she explained it grows back.

I guess old highschool GFs are more honorable than school administrators, eh?

Donna Lee said...

You should have gotten it in writing. Totally. Half his salary would hire a personal sock knitter. I'd stay home and be a sock knitter for half his salary. I'd bet half his is still more than mine.

Anonymous said...

Now you know you would have just blown that raise on yarn and chocolate so maybe he's doing you a favor? Besides, now you have leverage.

crzjane said...

Nice sock!
I have a feeling it will be a cold day you-know-where before you see any of that money. :-(