I decided to head out this morning, run a few errands and maybe snag another little thingie or two in the process. It was not the best of mornings for doing this since the rains are falling and the fog is wafting about. It was also highly likely that I was going to end up purchasing things for myself that I will never, ever in this lifetime need. But, since I am now walking proof of the following:
1. It is possible to be Peri-menopausal, Really Menopausal, Pre-menstrual and Really Menstrual all at the same time
2. God is, undoubtedly, a man
I figured I could do whatever I want and heaven help anyone who gets in my way.
Note: At this point, I am sure that there are any number of medical professionals and would-be theologians who would like to differ with me. To them I say: I dare you. In fact, I double-dog dare you. Really. See what it gets you. Do it right now. I'm not a mess these days at all. Why are you backing away like that? I won't hurt you. Much. It'll be over in a jiffy. I love a good intellectual debate...
Wait. Where was I? I seem to have gotten a bit off track, here. Oh yes! Today's shopping trip. It was really a success, if I do say so myself! I found a picture frame at long last that would handsomely encase the print I purchased last month at the craft show:
I found a nice little thingie to give to Baby Brother Sheep on December 25th that is now tucked away with all the other thingies that I will be hunting for in a couple of months. There were some sweet little tea lights that found their way into my cart as they were a mere .99 cents a box and, thus, destined for a life in my home. There was also some Lion Brand Magic Stripes yarn to be had.
I know, I know. We all hate Lion Brand. We mock the Lion Brand. We are above the Lion Brand. But if you, like me, have one or two people in your life for whom you have enough affection that you might like to knit them something but don't really have enough confidence in the relationship to count on a ride home from the airport when you need it, then you learn to embrace the Lion Brand. Six skeins worth of the embracing was what came home with me today.
This is enough to make even a grumpy, hormonally challenged Sheep smile just the teeniest bit. There are actual holiday gifts and potential holiday gifts in my home right now! And, as if that weren't enough:
If you need oxygen or some water at this point, you may be excused to take care of this. Just please remember where you were seated and be respectful of those who chose to remain in the venue as you exit and enter.
This fine example of handknitting is The Harlot's One Row Homespun Scarf With Crocheted Floofy Stuff On The Ends. The "homespun" part was provided by me ('cuz I spun it) and Spunky Eclectic ('cuz she dyed it.) And now it, too, is tucked away with all the other thingies destined to be boxed, wrapped and gifted as needed. Such a good feeling...
And speaking of the good feelings, thanks to all for the commiseration on my current state of suspended animation in the Land Of Middle Age Life Transitions. I may be living in a hormonally charged, rage filled state much of the time and unable to discern just what the heck it is that my system is going to be doing at any given moment. But, it does my heart good to know that I am not alone and may even survive this even if those who have to live with or around me will not. Also good to know that one or two of you might be willing to testify on my behalf should The Change cause me to do something untoward.
I have, however, found one or two strategies for dealing with things. There is always the chocolate. I probably should have a prescription for the amount of the stuff I'm eating for Medicinal Purposes. But it works and no one has been harmed so I doubt that anyone is going to push the matter. I also found this little item on Thursday afternoon while I was picking up school supplies and more of the sweet stuff. It came with me to school yesterday, as a matter of fact. And it helped immensely.
Speaking of medicinal purposes and chocolate (not necessarily in that order, mind), a recent study out of the UK found that dark chocolate helps alleviate some of the fatigue of chronic fatigue syndrome. So considering that fibromyalgia has an awful lot in common with CFS, and also considering that the Hannaford is now carrying Scharffen Berger chocolate in big 6oz. bars in the baking section, I am sooooooo there. And you just reminded me that I hadn't had my daily dose yet.
Your scarf looks beautiful! How are you going to be able to give it away instead of keeping it for yourself? I like your new shirt, too. :)
Love the shirt. Will you wear that for Halloween? Glad your shopping trip was a success.
Stay cool, and will talk to you tomorrow,
Teeee heeee....Love the t-shirt and the sentiment. And yes, chocolate is ALWAYS the answer.
Your scarf is very pretty. I kinda like Lion Brand, will you still be my friend??? I know, some of their patterns and yarns are goofey, but they do come through in a pinch. And let's not forget, Canada is a barren yarn wasteland, compared to the good old U S of A....at least around here and our last place of residence in the True, True NORTH!!!
Huggs, G
PS: LL moola is all history and little bikey on the way...yeeehaaa...
Great shirt, and the language is even safe for school.
Yes, chocolate is the answer. What was the question?
I do not mock the Lion Brand, I love the Lion Brand. And apparently people still love me - especially those who have received Christmas gifts made from the inexpensive, machine washable Lion Brand. They are not knitters, they know nothing of the joys of alpaca, and special cleaning requirements would only stress them out. (Yes, there is a certain element of the "pearls before swine" in that, I admit it.) But truly, give 'em what they want and everyone goes home happy.
I do like the scarf but I have to ask is the "crocheted floofy stuff" part of the original pattern or is that a sheepy original? Not mocking here, I really like that part.
Last time I checked - choclate was good for almost everything, so is red wine. Together they are the perfect cure-all.
Soooooooo, do you give a hoot?
Sorry, some things just can't be helped.
Totally off-topic and all, but I know that you worry about zombie attacks, and, when I saw this video on how to survive zombie attacks, I immediately thought of you:
For some reason it seems that I am absolutely unable to get my hands on this fabled Lion Brand sock yarn that is out there roaming free in big box craft stores across the nation. I have some folks who I love enough to knit socks for but are allergic to ALL animal fibers and I'd like to make them some sockies.
I LOVE your shirt.. I have one that says "I'm out of bed and dressed.. what more do you want??" that I frequently wear to the store.
The scarf is great! I love the colors. Good for you too for chipping away at those holiday pressies!
I wanted to mention too, the book that absolutely helped me the most in understanding and dealing with menopause. It's called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by Dr. John R. Lee. I only wish I had read it when I started puberty. Seriously, it would have made a big difference because I realized that I've had a hormone imbalance all along. His solutions have been a big help to me.
Oh that scarf it luscious! Hand spun and hand knit! The recipient is very lucky.
No way am I knitting for Christmas. Not this year. Not until I finish all of last year's gifts.
Love that shirt.
Did you know that dark chocolate reduces blood pressure in addition to providing a mental boost? We likes us the endorphins, precious!
Speaking of the Lion Brand, I hear that Lion Wool is actually quite a good product. I heard this from a local peep who is really quite the connoisseur, in fact.
Hello, my name is Donna Lee. And I own Lion Brand yarn. There. I've admitted it out loud in a public space. I, too, have folks in my life that I would like to knit little gifties for but don't trust to adequately care for. The yarn is soft and very washable and I can send it off and know that it will hold up to practically anything they throw at it. And, being peri, pre meonpausal/menstrual myself, I dare anyone to challenge me. My daughter said to me just recently (after I made a particularly snarky comment)"mom, you used to be so nice!) I guess the change is showing.
Gosh, when you are a homeschooling, hockey/dance mom of 4 kids, Lion Brand yarns are a fact of life. No yarn snobbery for me - I can't afford it.
We've got your back, Sheepie!
Last year I knit a bazillion Fetchings for things like Secret Santa gifts, made out of a German sort of Lion-Brand equivalent. But there's good stitch definition, the things are washable, and easy on the budget for the intended purpose. Where's the problem??
That crocheted edging really makes the scarf -- care to share a couple of details on the floofiness?
I do not scoff at the Lion Brand, I loves some of it! (Not Homespun, though!) And thanks, Mel, for pointing that out about FMS and dark chocolate. I think I'll try it. Can't hurt, can it, well, except for maybe having to haul around a few dozen extra pounds if it works well and I eat too much?
Hey, I saw that shirt the other day, I giggled right out loud and wished I had the nerve to wear it.
Love the scarf!
The scarf is beautiful, and I'm already jealous of the recipient.
You have me laughing so hard this morning! :)
I totally get the lion brand issue. I do.
Chocolate heals everything. If only my husband would learn that. Who wants flowers when they can have chocolate?
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