At 1:00 in the afternoon, the moment had arrived. I leaped from the couch, said a fond, "Fare-the-well!" to my furry, feline roommates and scampered down to my waiting vehicle. I may have been giggling at that point. It may even have been something of an hysterical least that's what the looks I got from my neighbors would indicate. I didn't care. For I had earned that giggle. Today was the day, people!
I was finally getting to see the dermatologist about the rash that my doctor, with all her medical type knowledge, saw fit to diagnose as a "Weird Rash." So confident was she in this diagnosis that she wrote it on my medical chart and subsequent referral to the dermatologist. In the event that I should ever lapse into some sort of unexplained coma or develop a tic that causes me to steal underpants, this is what will be read by the professionals who are attempting to review my medical history in the hopes of finding a cure.
Weird Rash, indeed...
At any rate, the rash has lived on my arm in various states of itchiness for two months give or take. Sometimes it is bright red and bumpy. Other times it is a more subtle shade of pink and less bumpy. It is frequently hot. Sometimes it is swollen. While observing the changes and pondering the possible causes has been great fun during those times when summer television program has been lacking, I am really ready to by done with it. I have treated it as little as possible with the prescription hydrocortisone; just enough to keep the itching from driving me utterly mad. Getting in to see the one dermatologist in the area isn't exactly easy. I wanted to have something interesting to chat about once I got in there. Plus, if it was some mutant form of leprosy that should never, ever be exposed to hydrocortisone, I didn't want to get yelled at by the nice people who run the leper colony for my mishandling of the whole situation.
After all the excitement surrounding this big event, the outcome was something of a disappointment. It still all comes back to a rousing, "I dunno..." from the medical professionals involved in my skin care. Near as anyone can fathom, I had a reaction to something. From there, my oh-so-delicate skin condition ( there is a name for it, but it is long, ends in "graph" and basically means that you can trace letters on my skin and then see them come up in nice red welts but I can't remember the whole word) did what it always does and became inflamed. I then scratched it to the point of no return.
At least that's the theory. And it makes perfect sense, really.
So, it's back to the hydrocortisone and antihistamines. I am leprosy-free. Nor do I have to live in a plastic bubble courtesy of some previously undiscovered skin condition. And yes. I actually asked about the bubble. The doctor said that it was highly unlikely that this would become necessary. He is also reasonably sure that, after two weeks of liberal application of both remedies, the rash will be no more.
Thank heavens I only have a $15.oo co-pay. This all seemed rather anticlimactic...but preferable to the bubble scenario. Or leprosy.
With that mystery solved, I must now attend to another. Somewhere out there is my Will To Knit. I don't really remember the last time I saw it. It's been a while. But, at some point, I lost it. I can't think of a single thing that I have the remotest interest in crafting from sticks and string. I'm rather half-heartedly poking along on a variety of projects, but none of them are giving my 'giddy" any "up." It seems to me that I may have over-reached a bit on my summer knitting plans. As I recall, I was really more into the whole thing last summer. Maybe I've just over-glamorized how much I really got finished last year. But, I'm willing to bet that it was more than what's come off the needles this summer.
But the spinning? I'm allllll over that! I seem to want to spin pretty much all the time. When I'm not spinning, I'm dyeing. Or blending. Or plying. It seems to me that I might actually be a little happier with my wool-related progress if I stopped trying to force the knitting and just went with what makes me happy.
So I ask you, if it's looking like I may just be creating my first ever two ply sock yarn and the prospect of this is making me all smiley, isn't it more likely that I will finish it? It isn't knitting, but a finished yarn is an FO in its own right, isn't it? Heck, I'm so all about the spinning that I finally figured out the whole Navajo plying thing last night on something of a caffeine-fueled whim! I'm thinking I should just spin!!!!! Then, when the knitting mojo returns, there will be yarn a-plenty with which to craft fine, fine socks and mittens!
Maybe I'll even whip out an ointment cozy of sorts for the nice, non-bubble prescribing dermatologist...
Jinkies, SA, I think you solved your own mystery! You're spinning now so you can knit later. (And it's lovely spinning, by the way.) Now about that cozy...
Pretty yarn, Sheepie!!!
And no leprosy.
I can't believe they didn't give you a big fancy name for your weird rash. Even a made up one would have been nice. I hope it does go away. Maybe when your will to knit returns the rash will go.
I'm so glad you don't have leprosy (especially since I was sitting right next to you Tuesday)!
I think you should do what makes you happy and continue with the spinning. Love the yarn you've got going right now - PRETTY!
Ugghhh, there is never anything as frustrating as a no answer from a supposed specialist! *sigh* I hope they are correct that the double treatment will clear it up for you though!
The yarn is bee-yoo-ti-ful! And you figured out the Navajo plying thing. I still cannot see how you can get multiple plies from one length of yarn, still on the bobbon. I bow at your feet in awe.
So glad to hear the news from the derm. It's a good thing you aren't around kids who would want to write their initials on your arm just to see the results. What about cat scratches? Or worse, a knitting needle slip? I see you live rather dangerously.
That's my view of spinning - it's preparation for further knitting or crocheting. IOW, you are just doing your preparation thing to the fiber degree. Rather wise.
I love the medical profession. When they subjected me to over 2 hours of mammograms it was because "I have never seen anything like this before" (what, a breast?) and the answer to why I keep getting bumps that turn into cellulitis and require hospital stays an massive doses of nasty iv antibiotics is "I don't know why this is happening, what are you doing wrong?" I am, evidently, a magnet for staph infection (why, "I don't know"). I hope the cortisone works for you. The person who invented it is a genius (unless it really causes leprosy in which case I am royally screwed)
if you spin it the knit mojo will come.
My husband was once diagnosed with something with a long latin name that the resident quietly translated for me (he went to the same college as I did - I think it was a solidarity thing, but it's still nice to know that college ties beat doctor-as-god propaganda rules) as "it hurts when you breath, and we don't know what causes it, and it might come back".
They've since identified a virus that causes it I believe, and have now named it after that or something, but I like this name better.
Well, I hope the Weird Rash goes away.
You haven't lost your Will To Knit. You've dumped it for The Joy of Spinning. Clearly, you're a serially monagamous craftsSheep.
Your knitting mojo is definately on hiatus because you're full into the spinning mojo thing. Beautiful yarn! And Yes, I believe yarn is a FO in itself :)
"Weird rash" had a certain ring to it that "Huh, I don't know" lacks. Silly doctors. I hope the hydrocortisone, etc., works. Personally, I am allergic to that particular OTC remedy (my eyelids swell and I look hideous) so I avoid it at all costs.
Your spinning looks great. At least the Weird Rash didn't affect that.
well I'm glad that we're not going to have to find someone to run ahead of you tolling some bloody great bell and crying out "unclean, unclean" or whatever it was that they used to do to the poor old lepers.
What a disappointment about your doctor's visit. I think we sometimes expect too much from the medical professionals, like miracles. Zinc ointment was always my standby for rashes, weird and otherwise, but I'm sure you've already tried that and every other "cure" under the sun. Well, your spinning shows you haven't lost your creative touch!
Sounds like you have a really really strong immune/inflammatory lucky Sheep, you.
Hope all is better in a couple of weeks.
Your spinning is amazing, and inspirational, too. I dusted off the Kromski this week, but I'm years away from sock yarn, much less multi=ply sock yarn!
You are spinning a beautiful colorway. I need to get a summery color on my wheel; I'm still finishing a pound of drab gray from wintertime. You've inspired me!
Yay, I'm glad the rash will go away! The spinning looks very pretty there, so do what makes you happy!
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