High humor on the morning commute, frankly.
Well, if you switch out "cartoon cat thingie" for "Sheep" and "car window" for "second floor condo window," then you will have an image of what passers-by were privileged to see when they went out for their morning constitutionals near my house today. Of course my windows are open due to it being high summer and all. Thus, I was actually pasted against the screen so the softer, fattier parts of Sheep could squish through the little screen-squares. This added to the beauty of this pastoral scene. It was also rather hard to breathe, what with being all mashed up against the window, so I can imagine that there may have been some snuffly noises associated with the whole affair. I don't really know for sure because, you see, I was focused.
Highly focused.
I was waiting for a delivery. The Federal Express website assured me that there was going to be a visit today from a nice fellow in crisp shorts who would be bearing boxes addressed to The Sheep. To say I was looking forward to this delivery might be something of an understatement.
I did not waiver in my vigilance. I remained at my post for the duration. I ignored any and all hunger pangs or indications that my middle-aged bladder might not make it through this ordeal. I did not look at the television. I did not answer the phone. I did have to blink a few times what with that being an involuntary response and all, but I kept it to a minimum. Blinking and using the facilities was for later. This time was for waiting. And watching. And being ready.
It is a credit to the FedEx delivery guy that he braved the sight of a screen flattened and snuffling sheep in order that he might complete his designated delivery. Most impressive, really. I would imagine that tossing the boxes at the door and fleeing without looking back was probably the course of action that he would have preferred. But he was a true professional. He completed the transaction by bringing the boxes into my building and up the flight of stairs to my door. He is a credit to the fine history and tradition of package delivery. I cannot help but salute him for his bravery in the face of an excited fiber enthusiast who was fairly trembling in her attempts to not just leap upon him and claw the large boxes from his hands before he could hand them to her in a civilized manner as befits such a moment.
Rest assured, he left unscathed. Physically, at least. I would imagine that he might have a few emotional scars to deal with. But, it is my understanding that this company has an excellent insurance plan that includes coverage of mental health treatment.
After my morning of surveillance, there they were: The Boxes. A beautiful sight...
When Cathy sent out an email offering these beauties after having found the mother lode of wooly beauty on a little slice of heaven/ranch in the wild, wild west, I almost chose not to partake. After all, I have been on the receiving end of her generosity with the wool on several occasions of late. Thus, I opted to go to the end of the line and said that I would be happy to take any leftovers off her hands after the others on the emailing list had taken their pick.
I'm good that way...
Cathy is better. She emailed me back in just minutes to tell me that, for the mere cost of shipping, all this could be mine! I have been following their progress across the country ever since. My babies are home!!!
Living in a small space as I do, with nothing in the way of outside property, washing fleeces is an interesting, but necessary undertaking. It must be done quickly as the heady scent of barn and livestock is one that cannot be avoided in any room once it has settled itself in. After a little lunch and a brief nap, I began the process of making these bits of sheep covering more tolerable for those who are not as enamoured with the aroma of the natural sheep. This will probably take up a good portion of the next few days of my life. But I can't imagine a better way to spend a weekend.
And it sure beats clinging to the window screens.
Much better than the screens.
Oh what nice packages! Good luck with the whole washing thing. What do the kitties think of the farm smells? I waited for the mailman this morning to deliver a HP book. Sadly I didn't press myself against the screen. The mailman might have arrived earlier if I had.
What wonderful packages!! You are going to have so much fun (along with a little hard work).
Look at all that fluff! Have fun with the cleaning, but please, Please, PLEASE remember to shower before Chicks with Sticks Tuesday night ;-)
Busy, busy....nice to be able to stop in Annie, glad to see things are going well.
Do tell the felines that we now have a new addition to the family, soon to be featured on Veggies....I WILL be back on a regular basis, very soon.
Miss you all!!! Huggs, G
Yes, I also was wondering what the kitties think of the sheep smell. :)
Apparently you are not a Harry Potter fan if you are planning to wash fleeces this weekend instead of reading. That's okay, more books for the rest of us...
Oakley and Sophie wish me to ask you to pass on to Desdemona and Persephone the somewhat unsettling news that Chez Catsmum now contains another cat. I think that they require sympathy from BFK and SLFK.
I am reading HP now that a suc... someone took the excess fleece off my hands. Whew. That was a close call.
Seriously, have LOTS of fun. And do go into a burger joint before showering. It's ever so much fun when they look at you funny and you are oblivious - doesn't everyone smell this way?
Kitties LOVE farm smells. I've never had a cat who didn't love to roll in dirty barn clothes (or in raw fleeces).
Go read this post, it's towards the end that you'll probably cardiac.
Also, my husband is a FedEx guy. It it's FedEx ground, they are independent contractors (like my man) and there's no insurance. Give him cookies or a sandwich next time! They are always on the run and rarely have time for food!
Yay, fleece!
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