Sunday, April 08, 2007

Maybe I Can Just Distract Them...'s the thing: It takes a really long time to ply with a spindle. So I can't show you the yarn that I've been spinning. And the sock I just started is but a mere cuff. Not all that exciting, really. I started a hat. But it has a mystery hole in it and that has stalled progress while I figure out what went awry there.
How about I share some shattered limbs with you?
Not mine, silly! How could I be typing if my limbs were all shattered? No. I'm talking about tree limbs. Stay with me. It will all make sense.
Remember when I posted on Thursday and said that I'd woken up with the distinct feeling that something was "wrong?" It turned out that the power was out due to a freak snow storm that hit Maine with all the vim and vigor of a perky cheerleader on espresso and powdered doughnuts. It was a biggie! I was one of the lucky ones who only lost the electrical goodness for twelve hours. Others were still in the dark as of today. There were lines down everywhere, including one that was dangling across the end of my street and making my trip to the doctor Friday morning something of a challenge. There was also a nice, flaming gas leak going on that added another tricky element to the journey. Those pesky emergency evacuations...sheesh!
Things are pretty much back to normal, though. The only exception is the clean up portion of the festivities. The management of my fine condo community has managed to contain the many fallen limbs but, with the exception of the one that fell on my rental car, none have been removed yet. Here is a little of what Mother Nature decided to toss around outside my bedroom window:
I think this is the stuff that was hitting my window and the cause of my awakening at 4:30 in the god-forsaken morning.

Or was it this stuff? Who can all looks the same after a while.

And this is why I won't be napping under any shady trees for the foreseeable future.

That is just a small sample of the pine carnage that is strewn about my complex. But, you get the idea. There's a lot of toothpicks in the making laying around out there. But it is over and I can say that I lived through the Great Storm Of April '07. It was good for the knitting and sitting and napping if not for the pine tree population. And Hysterical Mind was quite thrilled at the prospect of saying a hearty, "I told you so" to all and sundry who pooh-poohed her excessive purchasing of candles and batteries in all shapes and sizes for just this eventuality. Now we get on with the clean-up.

Because there is the possibility of another one this week...



Anonymous said...

Now why'd you have to go and say that?! I was trying to stay in denial of the predicted "event" for later in the week.

I have one tree that has had a branch hanging by a thread since last Spring and did that come off? No, but the mutant pussy willow is still covering my back yard!

sheep#100 said...

Oh, dear, sounds like Noolie called in Cousin Denial...

Happy Easter anyway.

Anonymous said...

Flaming gas leaks and pine carnage...both sound like good names for heavy metal rock groups. :) I hope the "event" avoids you this week!

Lorraine said...

Maine sounds eerily like Minnesota - the weather is being freakishly bizarre. We plunged from the 70's F to single digits and wind chills. BRRRR! We're up for some snow this week, though I sincerely hope it's not as nasty as your "event" was.

Jeanne said...

It IS April, isn't it? And Mr. Groundhog did not see his shadow this year... so what's up with all the snow? Early spring and all that?

I'm glad the tree missed YOU, though.

Anonymous said...

Another storm!?! Please no.
I was pleased to read (when I finally had time now that the family has returned to real life) that the dealership has a angel working there. I'm glad she worked some magic for you.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the only good thing about "pine carnage" is the lovely pine smell in the air. I bet that was nice, huh?!

mehitabel said...

I'll see you a pine-carnage-event and raise you an earthquake! Well, okay, it was a little one but still. I'll take snow, rain, sleet and hail over those @#$$^&%!! shakers any day.