Monday, March 29, 2010

Dumb Rain...

We are taking the high road tonight. There will be no grumping and grousing from this Sheepie, no sirree-bob!

Sure, I could mention the rain. It would be easy to just whine about how every news site has yet another red banner scrolling across the top advising us all to roll up our trouser legs and practice growing gills. But I'm not going there. Because being under a flood watch every Monday is nothing if not consistent and who doesn't like a little consistency in their lives?

A weaker person than I might feel the need to talk about the student who decided to refer to her as a "dumb white b**ch" when she did not give him what he wanted. How simple a thing would it be to rail against such injustice?

For the record, I'm not so much irked by the new title as I am by the irony. If you were to line up the two of us side by side, you'd be hard-pressed to decide which of us is paler. And, while I'll cop to the latter descriptors, the first seems off. While he's currently trying to explain his upcoming suspension to dear old dad, I'm home relaxing and having earned the exact same paycheck I would have gotten had we not crossed swords in the first place. I'm thinking that I might not be the "dumb" one in this equation...

Nope. I'm going to a better place. I am not going to focus on the negative. I'm going to make with the happy. For I have made yarn and it is good. Very, very good.

Throwing it in a pile on the floor is probably not the best way to show of its inherent goodness, but it's not quite dry yet so I didn't dare to skein it. I will, though. Honest. If it ever dries in these damp, damp days...

It isn't perfect yarn. Not by a long shot. I don't spin as much as I used to so there's bound to be a few spots that didn't quite come together like I wanted. Further, there is a real drawback to taking forever and fifty million days to finish some yarn. It is very likely that you will forget your goals between the starting gun and the finish line. This makes for some inconsistencies, but that's OK. I still think it came out quite well under the circumstances.

You might even go so far as to call it "smart!"



sheep#100 said...

Don't you just love it when the teacher puts one over on the student?

Pretty yarn :o)

Anonymous said...

One of Smokey's more unruly male teenaged patients once called him a "fat white f**ker", to which Smokey replied, "Well, I'll cop to the first two, anyway."

Kath said...

It's supposed to rain here soon and I just have a hard time accepting it's possible. Shouldn't we be done with this stuff by now???

Homespun yarn is good. Foulmouthed teenagers not so much. My evil mind has come up with a way that the first one could be used against the other one, but I bet you'd get in trouble for that.

=Tamar said...

Speaking as one who has not made anything resembling yarn, I say that making yarn is good and more than good.

Karen said...

Your yarn is lovely.
I will mention the rain. I hope that since the April shower have arrived a bit early, we will have an early summer. One that is summer like, not the cold thing we had last year.

Donna Lee said...

Rain? Oh yes, we have rain. Buckets and buckets of it. Someone said yesterday, "at least it's not snow". I'm not sure which one is causing more trouble.

Elaine said...

Lovely yarn. Dumb kid.
And my verification word? xfrekmas!
Simply too good to pass up.

Cursing Mama said...

Is it safe to assume you've been teaching descriptive words in english class this quarter? No?
Hunh...wonder where he's learning that language....

knitseashore said...

Good for you for sticking to principles and good for your colleagues to give you a day to recover. I am in *awe* of teachers. My FIL has school stories too, though maybe not as fun as yours...

I hope you and the cats are surviving the rain. Mine are going to get waterwings soon if it doesn't stop!

Julia G said...

Can't really come up with a good riposte for that insult, it's just so stupid. "And you are a misogynist racist anti-intellectual!" just doesn't trip off the tongue with the right zing. Plus he knows perfectly well how to exploit the fact that as a teacher and an adult you cannot return fire without constraint.

Teachers should get combat pay. Preferably in yarn.