Monday, August 17, 2009

Creativity Is Cool!

We creative types see the possibilities in everything. When confronted with an empty coffee can, we don't necessarily see trash. No. Many of us see a container for straight needles. If we wash it out really well and put a hole in the lid, we know that we have something to keep the yarn ball from rolling all over the living room while we knit. It's a button container and it's a gigantic pom-pom winder if you are in need of a pom-pom larger than an infant's head. Heck, just a few weeks ago I made a coffee can into a portable sterno stove for no reason other than I thought it could be done.

There are possibilities in everything if you are just willing to take in the view from another angle.

And on a day when the temperatures soar into the nineties, the air quality is beyond poor and the symptoms of heat exhaustion grow ever closer, you can't help but see the possibilities in a sock bag. Sure, you could just start knitting a sock and hope that the very act will inspire chilly thoughts. That little bit of mental trickery could work. I, however, saw a different path. I saw the road to an ice pack, a little something to press upon my fevered brow while I worked up the energy to go get another soda.

I'm not sure that this is what Trek had in mind when she stitched this up, though...

Intentional or not, this thing was a lifesaver today. Even with the lowering of the sun and the approaching night, the heat still continues to rise over here. It is even hotter now than it was at noon which seems grossly unfair in spite of my understanding that there are any number of scientific explanations for this phenomenon.

It was too hot to knit after 10:00 this morning. But that doesn't mean I can't work in a knitting reference or find a use for my knitterly paraphernalia. And tomorrow I get to do it all over again.

Because it is supposed to be at least as miserable then as it is right now. Gah.



sheep#100 said...


Oh, sorry. Don't know what came over me. Must've been the heat. Or the humidity. Or something.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to understand why the manse does not have air conditioning. You are probably wondering that same thing. Can I send you some coolth? Our temps dropped on Sunday evening, and today was perfect. You will get this weather sometime in the next week, but I could Express Mail you some tomorrow if you like.

Knitting Linguist said...

Double gah. I hate the heat, with the flaming passion of a thousand white hot suns. Which it sounds like is what you've got going on over there...

=Tamar said...

We're getting it Down South too.
Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst of it. (I've heard that before.) My plan is to go to a nice cool museum.

Anonymous said...

yup, another scorcher today. Who made the rule that we have to get our whole summer squished into two days?

Someday i guess i'm lucky to go to work... air conditioning, a nice wall to stare at while I fax...

oh yeah. nirvana. I know how jelous you are. hehe.

Anne P said...

Ah geez! Sounds totally miserable. I can't believe the AGK let you use the icepacks tho.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant!

I love finding creative uses for stuff. Stay as cool as you can.

Elaine said...

How are BFK and AGK doing with this heat and humidity? Poor things.......

debsnm said...

Maybe you can help me with my current dilemma. I'm old (according to the drs) and take meds. I absolutely HATE throwing away all those perfectly good little brown bottles, but can't, for the life of me, think of anything useful to do with them. So what, oh Creative Guru, can I make of these???

knitseashore said...

I guess I am in the minority here in the comments. I am not complaining about the heat, nay, am enjoying it (though admittedly in an AC home). It is WINTER that stops me from complaining. That ugly, terrifying season that makes me a prisoner in my home and forces me to wear blankets for six months until the sun deigns to eek out a tiny beam of light sometime in March or April. The thought of that makes the sweltering somehow pleasant in comparison.

I hope the AGK and BFK are handling it OK, though. It's tough on the four-leggeds.

Donna Lee said...

We finally broke down and put in the a/c in the bedroom. This means that we never leave the bedroom and argue about who's turn it is to go out into the heat and get food. We could starve in here but we won't melt into a puddle.

Kath said...

In the past I've survived sweltering days at home by placing one of those re-usable cold packs (the kind you keep in the freezer and put on a sprained ankle) on top of my head while I sat and knit, read, whatever. I'm sure I look silly as all hell - but you know what? Only the cats see me and they aren't complaining!