Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oh Yeah...

I think I maybe forgot to mention that I have today off from school.  I guess I got all caught up in the excitement of Election Day and all...

As is the case in many Maine towns, several schools in our district are polling places.  Given that voter turnout was expected to be pretty high for this election, the district opted to shut down for the day rather than try to conduct business as usual.

I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, we just made it significantly more challenging for many parents to go about the business of getting out to vote.  We also just added another day to the school calendar given that we have to be open for the scheduled number of days no matter who is running for president.

On the other hand, after twenty-odd years of trying to teach, cover recess duty and keep kids from getting run over by well-intentioned voters, I am a bit relieved to not have to manage it this year.  Add to that the fact that schools now have to deal with more in the way of security than in years past, and you have a logistical nightmare on your hands if you need to account for everyone who happens to be in the building at any given time.

I've also decided to adopt a third hand.  Third hands can be handy, you know.  And on that third hand, I've got a day off.  That's the hand I'm going with.  There will be no further looking into the mouths of gift horses.

The plan for the day was to get up as if it was business as usual.  That way I could get all sorts of things done and cast my ballot nice and early.  The rest of the day would then be free for whatever activities I thought pleasing.  That seemed like a nice plan.  I liked it.  I liked it so much that I didn't really think it through all that well...

It seems that the rest of the world does not get out of bed quite as early as I, nor are they waiting to serve me when I am ready for their time and attention.  The grocery store opens early.  They were on board with my plan.  Everyone else on the team was still at home and in bed, I suppose.  I had to rework the travel route a bit and ended up going in to vote far earlier than I'd planned.  

That actually wasn't so bad, though.  I'd feared that I would run into the before-work crowd if I tried to vote before 9:00 a.m.  Not so.  I was in the door around 8:10 and driving away with my "I Voted Today" sticker proudly displayed on my jacket by 8:30.  Small town democracy runs wicked smooth up here, you know.  

Especially when they've closed down the high school so we can all vote.  And when I say, "all" I mean all.  Everyone in my town votes at the high school.

I was still too early for the dollar store to be open, though.  I had to sit outside for ten minutes.  I almost left.  But I stuck it out, thinking that there might be one or two things in there that I'd like to take home with me for a buck a piece.

I was right...

The rest of the day passed mostly pleasantly.  I made some chicken stock.  I re-potted that poor basil plant that needed a new home rather desperately.  I even knit a bit.

Looks like a sleeve.  But it is not a sleeve.  I don't knit sleeves, remember?

The only fly in the ointment (scheduling issues aside) was the behavior of the felines.  They spent much of the morning bickering and squabbling with one another to the point where I contemplated sedating everyone.  Mommy included.  It was irritating and required that I get up off the couch more than I wished.

Which could account for my taking today's Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty picture from the least flattering angle possible...

Otherwise, it was a rather nice day to be home.  The temps hit 60 degrees and, while that is a bit nippy, it still seemed prudent to take advantage of the fresh breezes while I was able.  I'm assuming that future days off will not allow me to do this.  The windows were open for much of the afternoon.

The Big, Fluffy Kitty voted that we do this more often.

I'm trusting that everyone has either already cast their ballot or that they will be doing so in the next few hours.  Even if you didn't get the day off, it is still a rather exciting day and one where I am always amazed by the system trusting me with a ballot.  It feels so grown up to me even after all these years.

Of course, the fact that I was singing the I Don't Have To Go To School Today song on the way to the polls maybe took away from that feeling just the teeniest bit...



debsnm said...

I always get all nervous-y and jittery when I vote. Almost like I'm afraid someone's going to tell me that I don't qualify as a grown-up this year, and I can't vote. I got to vote early, on Sat, so my day is free of lines (which I hear are incredibly long). WOO!! Voting good. AGK could sue for the pic, you know - definitely not his best side!

sheep#100 said...

I tend to read the ballot questions twice in the booth. You know, just in case they have changed something since I read it on my sample ballot. Wouldn't want to vote "no" when you meant "yes" or something horrible like that...

Mouse said...

I stood in line this morning for 3 hours to vote.. I was very nervous and excited. My son had off today too.. I wondered how much harder it made going to vote for working parents.

Jeanne said...

My civic duty has been completed.

That is one ginormous kitteh! He's HUGEimous! But the BFK is so fluffy and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Voting runs pretty smoothly here in my teeny-tiny town, except that the township clerk forgot to order the "I Voted" stickers.

I voted anyway.

Kath said...

Personally I favor "time outs" for cranky kitties - bathroom's a good place! Too bad they took advantage of having you home for the day!

My entire town votes at our tiny courthouse, I went mid-morning and it was crowded but moving steadily. I expect there was more of a crowd at lunchtime and after work.

Beth said...

That is quite a picture of the AGK. I think he'll be paying you back for posting it. ;)

Mia said...

awww, look at that big belly just waitin' to be scratched.. you totally lucked out with that boy :)

And now, I'll admit to the world, I didn't vote. Nah. Didn't want either one... but as of this morning guess I'll have to practice saying president Obama. Why doesn't that sound right??

Lynne said...

Some of which may account for the fact that compulsory voting in Australian elections takes place on Saturdays! Usually at the local primary [elementary] school but sometimes at other public venues.

Anonymous said...

I think you had better sleep with one eye open until the AGK forgets that you posted that picture!

Anonymous said...

My entire town votes at the town hall. When I went at about 10AM there was no wait and I was surprised when I read the returns that we had an 82% turn out. That is unheard of here!
Is AGK getting larger? Maybe that's just a really bad angle.

Donna Lee said...

I managed to breeze in and out with no line. Very nice. I live in a small town and we all vote in the same place, too. I guess I hit it at the right time. My cats hate it when the windows get closed up for the winter. The look at me so forlornly and tell me with their eyes that if I just put on some of that wool I am always playing with I would be warm enough to open the windows.

Cursing Mama said...

I'm taking the attitude that 60 degrees is warm and have turned off the furnace and opened windows and all sorts of crazy things. I must have spring fever already.

Yarnhog said...

Our school was a polling place. Once. All involved decided never to do that again. The next year, I voted in a neighbor's garage. That was odd. Now my polling place is a conference room at a local golf resort. Much better.

catsmum said...

we always have elections [ of all varieties from local council right up to the Federal ones ]on Saturdays. Somehow those of us with families and/or jobs manage to vote.
but then we have to.
Voting is compulsory in Australia over the age of 18 and there are fines if you don't
... there are also fines if you don't register

btw there was enormous interest here about your election - which is a pretty unusual thing.
Usually it's "so??" but between the trickle down effects of the current economic meltdown and the whole historic " first African American president" thing, interest was pretty high.