It feels like it took forever but, at long last, it is here. Summer vacation, baby! Sure, school ended the week before last. But that means nothing when you have to go in for four extra days of mandatory workshops. Now it is really and truly summer vacation, complete with the traditional Wednesday Night Bullet Post! OK...I guess I do one every week. It's just that the ones I do in the summer are a little more light hearted and less with the heavy sighing.
Here's the first of this summer vacation's WNBPs:
*Guess who went to the Farmer's Market today? Can ya guess? Canya-canya??!!
*'Cuz that's what I do during summer vacation.
*Things are still a bit on the sparse side, but improving since the Odd Saturday That Was Not At All Comfortable Because It Was The Wrong Day Trip I made there a few weeks ago.
Today's haul included fresh peas, potatoes, new garlic and beef. Not shown: fresh basil.
*I do not like vegetables but, God help me, I'm like a kid on Christmas morning when the new garlic is here!
*I rhapsodized about it with The Farm Stand Lady.
*Seriously. I actually rhapsodized.
*If you like garlic, live in the area but don't buy it from Snell Family Farm, then I just don't know what more can be done for you. You are out of your mind.
*Big ol' garlic with the scapes still on 'em.
*The young garlic is a bit milder and has such a fresh taste you won't be able to stand it.
*Tonight's dinner: Cubed, roasted potatoes liberally festooned with freshly ground sea salt and basil ribbons upon leaving the oven.
*Also opened a new bottle of ketchup because, let's face it. I am who I am.
*For what it's worth, it was a new vintage with a bright bouquet.
*As an afterthought, I also rigged up a foil packet with some peas and an ice cube. Green things are good for you and it makes me giggle when I cook the ice cube in the oven.
*Worth the trouble for both the giggle and the fresh peas.
*I do not put ketchup on peas.
*What am I, a savage?
*I am avoiding turning a heel right now.
*I suppose it is enough of a triumph that I knit a heel flap given my recent lack of knitting amazing-ness.
*Almost finished with Dead Beat (The Dresden Files, Book 7)
*It's got a t-rex AND zombies...what's not to like?????
*I canned a pint of peas just to see how they'd look this afternoon.
*They look like canned peas.
*I don't like canned peas.
*Will henceforth freeze the peas and just hope that The Coming Zombie Apocalypse doesn't interrupt our power service.
*I'll have to eat the peas before they defrost.
*I was going to roast some garlic with the potatoes tonight, but thought the better of it.
*Dentist appointment tomorrow. I hate my dentist, but not enough torture the nice dental tech. with my fresh garlic breath.
*Hysterical Mind: Wait. What? Did someone say, "Dentist???"
*Rational Mind:, no. Not at all. We are going out tomorrow to run some errands. Maybe replace the ipod we broke last week. That's all. Just a few little errands...nothing to get excited about.
*Hysterical Mind: Well...that's all right, then.
*Pretty sure I have a cavity, but let's just keep that to ourselves. HM isn't going to be distracted by a new ipod for very long.
*Might have to get her an ipod upgrade. And a balloon. And a pony...
*Will be letting her eat 'taters with roasted garlic either way, though.
*Because it is summer vacation, by golly!!!
And that's Wednesday from my viewpoint. I'm all full of potatoes and peas and that suits me just fine. We'll worry about tomorrow's appointments and heels that need turning later. It's allll good here!