Oh, yeah! I blog. And it's Wednesday. I know it's Wednesday because last night was the premier of Deadliest Catch and that meant it was Tuesday. Tuesday precedes Wednesday and I know it is Wednesday because I have a note on the coffee table reminding me that I was going to Family Lunch with Mommy and Daddy Sheep on Wednesday at noon.
I'm still burping barbecue sauce which would imply that I made that date. Hence...it is Wednesday. So, only a half an hour behind schedule, here is the Wednesday Night Bullet Post!
*I blame Spring Break.
*The April vacation is the one that reminds me of summer vacation days to come and I get pretty darned relaxed once that realization settles in.
*I fear that, come June, I will descend into a coma if this is going to be the state of affairs...
*I was very tired last Friday. It was a long week. There was a great deal of..."stuff."
*The Maine Autism Leaders Team conference which required travel, something I don't do without annoying levels of angst.
*Knowing that my Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty had already foiled the auto-feeder designed to keep not just him, but also his brother, fed at a reasonable rate over the course of my overnight conferencing.
*Returning from the conference to my classroom where I discovered that several of my students were less than delightful in my absence.
*Then the horrible email that said one of my colleagues was killed in a tragic accident on her way to work that morning.
*One of the very women I'd just spent two days with at the conference.
*The ensuing emotional overload from the people who knew her far better than I as she was a lifelong member of the community.
*Lots of...."stuff."
*Friday is Cake Day at the middle school. I don't recall why. It just is.
*I don't normally partake in Cake Day because, by the time I can free myself up to get to the teacher's room, the cake has been touched by more hands than I am comfortable contemplating.
*Or it has been savaged down to crumbs.
*There was a lot more cake last Friday than is usual. Some of it was in "cup" form.
*Cupcakes tend to get touched less since everyone can just pick up the one they want and, if I strategically snag one near the middle, I'll get an unsullied pastry.
*And I really, seriously needed me some Friday Cake after spending time with the school librarian who was a neighbor of the deceased and who had pictures of her as a child to share with me.
*Cake. I needed cake. I even bought more on the way home from school because cake suddenly seemed medicinal.
*This, as I mentioned earlier,is vacation week. There is really something very comforting about kicking off vacation and ending a stressful work week with cake.
*I got into the spirit of vacationing pretty quickly after that.
*I woke up Monday feeling like there was something I was supposed to be doing.
*It was kind of like the shouldn't-I-be-blogging feeling only a little more urgent.
*Then I remembered.
*Apparently the government wanted me to do my taxes and they are kind of finicky about timelines.
*At least the federal government is. My state couldn't care less. Unless you owe them money and then they feel strongly about people filing by the fifteenth.
*Thankfully, I don't owe the state any money but that wasn't going to help me with my federal tax return, now was it?
*Taxes are filed. I had a near miss with a few figures before I caught on to the fact that I'd entered all of last year's information instead of the more current data, but that was easily fixed.
*Frankly, I'm kind of proud of myself for catching the mistake what with the flurry of accounting required to get the stupid things done before midnight.
*We are going to ignore the fact that I waited until the last minute and then entered information from last year's return because that does not make me particularly proud of myself.
* I'm on vacation.
*Which, as we all know, is no time to be feeling badly about one's self. It's not a law, but it should be.
*Wait...I have to go feed the cats. I'll be right back!
*There. That's done. Things get ugly around here when the feeding schedule goes awry.
*I have been awoken every morning this week at 5:45 on the dot by the Feline Choral And Face Batting Society.
*They are happy to have Mommy home this week. It's been quite the love-fest here.
*But that could all change should I dare to sleep past 6:00.
*I'm typing this on my school laptop. You don't really need to know that.
*Except that the video of the AGK cracking the automatic feeder isn't on this computer and I'm too bloated from vacationing and cake to go get it.
*Too bad. It's really quite humorous if you have 1 minute and 22 seconds to spare. I'll have to see what I can do about getting that posted when I'm back on schedule and not sitting around eating cake.
*I actually haven't had cake since this weekend. I ate all the cake. There is not more cake.
*I've moved on to brownies.
*And I don't like "cakey" brownies. I like "fudgy" brownies.
*So I'm not eating cake anymore.
*In the spirit of self-indulgence, I decided to make up a quick sugar scrub to prepare my feet for summer sandal season.
*The Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty loves all things sugar. And raw sugar mixed with grapeseed oil is apparently no exception.
*I had to hide my sugar scrub because he was nose deep in it every time I so much as blinked.
*He was licking the sink in which I rinsed my sugary hands following my self-made spa experience.
*He tried licking my feet but I think that was a bit much even for my little carb-a-holic so that didn't last long.
*He has a problem. He needs help.
*I'd switch to a salt scrub but, given his love of potato chips, I suspect he'd be just as happy with that.
*My Very Complicated Kitty hasn't licked the sink at all this week.
*He is the mastermind behind the early morning wake up calls, but he isn't licking the sink so he is my favorite right now.
*Plus he's been very snuggly since I've been home and I like that.
*Speaking of "home," it's nice to have Mommy and Daddy Sheep back from their winter residence.
*And not just because they take me out to lunch. Don't get me wrong. I like lunch. It's the one meal of the day I am eating on schedule now and who doesn't like it when it's free?
*But it's also nice to have the folks around.
*The one thing about vacation that isn't so nice is the lack of commuting time.
*Well...I like not paying for the gas. That part is good. But I miss the audio book time.
*I was right in the middle of Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson, Book 7)
*Fortunately, I did a little driving about today so that allowed me to listen a bit. That's good.
*Otherwise, I might forget what was happening and then I will be all confused come Monday morning.
*Monday is Go Back To School Day.
*I won't be on vacation anymore. Or resting. Or relaxing.
*I'll be working. And it will be the final push before the end of the school year. Which is always kind of stressful.
*That's OK. I've got this week of relaxing under my belt. It should tide me over until I can do it for real.
That about covers it, week-wise. It's really been about feeding the cats, cake and relaxing until it hurts. (It can hurt, you know. I'm old. When I sit in one position for six hours at a time various joints stiffen up dreadfully...) I like to think of it as practice for summer vacation. It is inspiring.
Although I'm thinking I should maybe look into setting an alarm or something so I don't forget things like Wednesday. Or dates very important to the government.
1 comment:
I can't believe how quickly this vacation week flew by- due in part undoubtedly to this week's tragic events. I'm sure it won't be long before the AGK jimmies the automatic feeder into dispensing cake :-) And now it's time to badger/cajole High School Kid to finish school assigments before Monday's re-entry into the world of learning....
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