I might be exaggerating just a bit there. But not by much. We jump in with both feet and to heck with anything remotely resembling a "transition period."
Fortunately, I have a nice little blog to come home to. It doesn't ask for much, only that I stop by once a week to give it a little attention. The Wednesday Night Bullet Post seems to make it happy and it is a mighty fine thing to be able to say you spread a little joy around midweek.
Here's this week's bullet points:
*Today was Wear Full Shoes Instead Of Sandals For The First Time Since April day.
*I whined about the blisters on my heels all the way to my car this afternoon when school let out.
*The people still in sandals somehow looked very smug and superior to me, but I don't care.
*They'll get theirs any day now!
*We are almost finished with the school district achievement testing.
*My class usually gets tested last due to smaller numbers so we will probably still be doing that when next week rolls around.
*That is something of a problem given that we start state mandated achievement testing on Monday.
*That is the Very Big And Challenging Test That No One Likes And For Which Every Student Blames His Or Her Teacher.
*We, in turn, blame the administrators because proctoring and administering these things is a nightmare.
*I don't know who the administrators blame. I assume they just wander around town pointing their fingers accusingly at anyone who dares to make eye contact when testing time rolls around...
*Achievement testing in the fall doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. Kids haven't learned much in the way of new stuff yet.
*And they've managed to forget half of what they learned the previous year.
*Heck, I barely can recall what I taught them back then but that could be more of an age related thing on my end.
*The other thing I hate about going back to school is that it is time for my feet to go all puff-i-fied again.
*My feet are fine in the summer.
*The minute they see where are back at school, they suddenly go all third trimester on me.
*Stupid feet. I've tried explaining to them that I am not standing or sitting for any more time than I did during the summer. I'm careful about that.
*They just get excited or something and don't want to see reason.
*A couple of weeks ago, my phone rang after 8:00.
*My phone does not ring after 8:00. Not on a school night. Everyone knows about school nights in my world.
*School nights require the locating of matching shoes and shirts that do not have holes in unseemly places.
*That takes some time...
*Only emergency calls come after 8:00 on a school night and I feared the worst. Especially when it turned out to be Mommy Sheep on the phone.
*I braced myself for the worst. The last time I got one of these calls, I had to go out and buy a whole new funeral outfit since it turns out I don't have anything remotely mournful enough.
*And I can't wear that again because everyone has seen it and besides the seasons have changed.
*She was only calling to ask how I felt about Mustangs.
*I like Mustangs. Both the horses and the cars.
*This wasn't about horses.
*For those who haven't caught on, my parents have a new car.
*For those who have caught on and are wondering about the details, they include, "cherry red," "2013" and "convertible."
*Yes. It is true. My parents are cooler than I will ever be. Ever. When they jump, they jump big.
*I drive a crossover station wagon.
*The kind you see soccer moms tooling around in...
*I don't hate. Mommy and Daddy Sheep worked hard and deserve to enjoy life in a convertible.
*Plus they can drive it when they head south for the winter and that will be fun.
*Florida. Where, as Daddy Sheep puts it, you can't throw a rock without hitting an old fart in a sports car.
*The home improvement frenzy here at the manse continues unabated.
*Except for the part where I have to go to school on my puffy feet and test kids.
*I'm not sure if I was motivated to do this too late or if the summer ended too soon...
*Last weekend, I painted an accent wall in the living room.
*Which sounds easy but it wasn't because I have a Very Complicated Kitty who stripped most of the wallpaper for me a while back.
*And more of the drywall than I care to mention.
*Repairs took a while.
*But the wall is now painted a lovely shade of Toasted Pumpernickel.
*The bathroom, if you will recall, was painted in Belgian Waffle.
*I told the people at the hardware store that I'm going with a Modern Carbs theme.
*Had I known I was going to suddenly feel a desire to do all this, I might have forced my summer-not-puffy-feet to move a little quicker.
*Weekends are getting a bit tiring for me.
*I am redecorating on a budget. Something along the lines of...wait a minute...
*Carry the one...now subtract the other number...and...
*Oh, yeah. That'd be a budge of "close to nothing."
*Hence, there has been a great deal of repurposing and recycling of stuff.
*Like those brass (ish) switchplate covers I thought were ever so sophisticated back in the 90's.
*And which now seem so very garish on my nice pumpernickel wall.
*I found a can of matte black spray paint in a clearance bin and figured the budget might stretch to cover it.
The need for a flash means the wall color isn't even close to what it is in real life. But you get the idea. |
*And still managed to put a little gouge in it. I just squint when I look at it and then everything gets blurry enough to make it all look nice.
*I'm only ever going to invite very nearsighted people over from this point forward. It will be fine.
*Reading hasn't been much of a priority since I decided to jump into the whole home improvement thing.
*And test kids until they cry.
*But I managed to find time to finally read The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
*Somehow, I ended up reading one of the later books in the series years ago and I really wanted to go back and experience the first one.
*Yay for digital library loans!
*I also picked up my own copy of Taken (An Alex Verus Novel)
*Slow progress on that one, but not because I don't like it. I do like it. Love it, in fact.
*But that one is on my iPad and not the less expensive reader I can carry anywhere without fear of dropping it in the tub.
*I read about the trials of Alex Verus at bedtime and I'm tired from the testing, painting, foot massaging and being less cool than my parents.
*Tend to fall asleep before I get past three pages.
*Still, I highly recommend this series. Great fun and a fabulous premise.
*I might even get this one finished sometime before Christmas break.
*When I can finally put my feet up and stop jumping around like a crazed grasshopper...
And that just about covers it. If it doesn't, then it will have to do. I haven't gotten to the point where I know what I'm wearing tomorrow and that has me just the slightest bit concerned. It is also after 7:00 and I still haven't managed to cobble together some dinner. If too much more time passes, I might have to settle for getting only one of those things done before bedtime and that isn't going to end well no matter which way I go.
One needs strength and appropriate footwear if one plans on continuing to jump...