Thursday, January 08, 2009

You Think That's What You Want...

Those of us who spin are often alone in this world.  Let's face it...outside our own little circle, there aren't many who "get" what we do.  It can be a rather solitary sort of existence.  

(Insert Pensive Expression Here)

When we do find others of our kind, it is a happy day!  And to think that one might someday actually have roommates who share a love of all things wheeled or woolly?  Well, that is just too good to be true, golly-gosh-'n-darn-it-all!

(Insert Gleeful Giggling Here)

Except that it isn't always exactly what you'd pictured.  Any thoughts you may have had around hours and hours of wool production and communal spinning are mere fantasy in some cases.  My own roommates are most invested in the spinning.  They love it.  And it is not at all helpful to me.  

I cannot even get to my wheel these days.  It is not even worth trying.  The ongoing standoff over who gets to snooze in the spinning chair is getting ugly.

That is a crossfire through which you don't want to find yourself meandering.

This rather tense situation has put me significantly behind in the plying.  There is still quite a bit of Shetland/Silk left to twist up.  I'd promised myself to wait for pictures until it was all done.  At this rate, though, I question whether that is ever going to be possible.  It seemed best that I snap a few shots of the single skein to my credit at this point and then hope that the resident felines take up some other hobby in the near future.  I don't much care what they choose.  They can become professional skeet shooters if they want to.  

It'd probably be less dangerous...

Resigned to my single-skein-state, I dutifully twisted it up all purty-like and laid out the photo-snappin' cloth.  I carefully arranged the precious bit of wool that represents the generous spirit of Cathy The Amazing Wool Gatherer, reached for the camera and snapped that first picture:

At first, I failed to see that little bit of white on the right of the frame....

But then that "little bit of white" became something more along the lines of "a big, orange and white obstruction."  I knew then that one of my wool-loving roommates had decided to help out with this next part of the spinning process.

It was kind of hard to miss.  We don't call him The Absurdly Gi-Normous Kitty for nothing, after all.

My assistant then began to fuss with the yarn and to adjust it a bit.  Who knew that my big, galumphing galoot of a cat had the soul of an arteest?

I guess he just hadn't found his milieu until recently...

Finally, he pronounced the set "ready."  I was instructed to proceed with the shoot.  

So I did.  

I guess I did say that I wanted them to get hobbies.  But I was really thinking of something more along the lines of "things that will get them out of my way so I can spin."  Photography and Set Design are nice pastimes.  In fact, they might even lead to a great career for the AGK.  He could support his mother in her golden years.  

But I kind of miss being able to spin.



Lynne said...

Who's a clever boy then?

sheep#100 said...

Behind every great photographer is a skilled set designer. But I have to ask, when did the AGK become the "one in charge"? Where was the BFK during all of this?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely portrait of Yarn and Cat! He looks quite smug about the whole thing.

Cursing Mama said...

He does have quite the look about him for being able to arrange the yarn so much "better" than you.

Anonymous said...

He looks so handsome!

Teri S. said...

I'm thoroughly impressed. He did a fantastic job of setting everything up.

But just one wee question with regarding to not being able to spin...are you not bigger than both the AGK and BFK? Can you not remove them from the spinning chair? And besides, aren't you the giver of the Greenies? Perhaps the threat of no Greenies will provide incentive for them to vacate the spinning chair.

Beth said...

I especially like the last photo. My husband walked by while the middle photo was up and he asked "Is that a cat?" :) I explained that it was indeed a cat, an AGK at that!

knitseashore said...

Ohhhhhh he is the most adorable assistant, and so artistic too. What a keeper! How can you stand the cuteness??? I would be powerless.

Maybe you just need to get two more wheels???

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about spinning the fur right off the cat (killing two birds with one stone but possibly yourself in the process :>))?

Anne P said...

Obviously, and you can see from the look on his face in the last shot, there was no WAY he was going to miss out on "striking the pose".

I think we need a rendition of "I'm too sexy for this skein". The AGK will star in it, of course.

Anonymous said...

Your yarn is lovely. AGK makes a perfect background for showing off the color.

Donna Lee said...

My cats like to help spin. They sit and watch the treadle move and then jump on the roving when I'm not watching. This is wonderful help and I am grateful every time I have to chase them down and take back my wool. They are not too artistic and don't seem to care if the photos are of good quality, unless I am using their spot in front of the window to take said photos.

Mia said...

well hey, as long as they only want to sit in your chair - I had to give up the spinning and put the wheel away cuz a certain little kitty around here likes to chew through the drive band. Every chance she gets.

Nice spinning!

Lorraine said...

LOL - actually, I think AGK was hinting that you should make him a sweater out of the yarn. See how nicely it goes with his fur?

Or he just is jealous of anything that takes your attention away from his awesomeness.

My word verification - hog u is c (without spaces of course). Is it just me or am I seeing more weird messages in the WV now?

Jeanne said...

OMG, the one with just a hint of paw in the frame? ROTFLMAO! Too cute. Cats are funny.

Knitting Linguist said...

Snicker. That's a great set of shots. I've always wondered how your yarn pictures got so artistically arranged....

mehitabel said...

I think some people are missing the point that you are outnumbered. I mean, set design with one cat, ok; trying to fend two of them off the spinning chair? Impossible! You lift one, turn to deposit her on something else, and when you turn back, he's got the chair. Llather, rinse, repeat. They think the game is more fun than you do! Ask me how I know?? Yes, I have TWO cats. *Used to have five and never EVER got anything done!

catsmum said...

simple - get a second spinning chair - or two cos the furbabies will probably still fight over it

Cathy said...

I can relate. I think the poodells are half cat. Not the good half (whichever that would be).

Love the spinning! Lots of fun to see what's going on at your house.