I take it as a compliment...
At any rate, she asked me to make her a pair of these rather simple mitts and I did so willingly. I happen to like TWGSALC and want her to remain on the Sheepish Team. I whipped up a pair and she's worn them for years. That is, until recently.
At my last appointment, she said that she lost one of them. She was rather dejected about it and was hoping that I might consider making her another pair. Of course, I agreed. As previously noted...we need her on the team.
Ironically, I've been meaning to make her more of the things for years. However, each time the holidays roll around, I find that I've gotten myself into the Bigger, Better And With 26% More Stuff Spiral. You know what I mean.
It starts with a simple idea. Like making a plain pair of fingerless mitts. Basic stuff. Doesn't even have a gusset for the thumb. Easy Peasy! But that doesn't quite seem like...enough. There should probably be a gusset. Knitters who have taken the time to advance their skills should be gusseting, after all! Yes! The mitts shall be gusseted!
With that matter settled, one might think it is a done deal. But no! Once in the grip of Bigger And Better, one is not likely to escape so easily. Suddenly, the thought process starts to spin like a tornado and everything in its path gets sucked into the planning.
There should probably be some cables, too! And maybe some bobbles! I mean...I've never actually made a bobble, but how hard could that be? And speaking of bobbles, maybe there should be some baubles as well! And sequins! And I'll bet that glitter glue stuff would look cool! Now where did I put my Bedazzler? I'm certain that it's around her somewhere...faux gems would be just the thing. Oh, and they definitely need wi-fi...
The mitts never get done. Once you get to the point where you are considering where to put the satellite dish, you've really gone too far to ever see the end of the project. Hence, I've given TWGSALC a scarf every year. It's never been my intention. It's just that it's all I have the energy for once the mitt madness passes. Granted, they have been nice scarves. But still...
There was no scarf option this year, though. The request was specific and I agreed to it. In front of witnesses. I needed to make the mitts. I felt the madness kicking in while on the drive home from my hair appointment. It was a near thing, but I was able to get a grip by uttering one simple sentence:
That is not what she wants.
She wanted the simple, non-gusseted, plain and so-totally-not-gem-encrusted mitts. I could do that. I could do it very quickly and easily. It was just a matter of remembering what she wants.
So that's what I did.
Ok..so maybe I added just a little bit of extra floofy yarn. I'm only human, for God's sake!! |
Mitts look dumb when they aren't on a hand. But it's kind of hard to take a picture of your own hand... |
They do not have 3G speed, but they were done in less than a week and with very little of the usual procrastinating. There is something to be said for keeping it simple, I suppose. I honestly don't know what I'll do with all the extra time...
I'm thinking that I might make another pair. I have this idea for laser beams that would really make a statement!